Person riding bike in the city at dusk

Pedestrians and Motorists: Two Parties Who Are Dangerous to Bicyclists in Alabama

Cycling is a popular activity in the US. In 2022, 54.7 million people went cycling either for commuting, recreational, or transportation purposes. However, cyclists face several risks on the road, mostly due to the lack of physical protection compared to cars.

Research shows that bicycle fatalities have increased by 47% over the last decade. Alabama has seen a rise in bicycle accidents due to factors like heavy traffic and limited bike lanes. Cyclists face unique risks on Alabama’s roadways, where vehicle drivers may not always prioritize bicycle safety.

Cyclists who suffered severe injuries due to an accident should consult bicycle accident attorneys from Alabama when filing a claim. This is necessary to ensure those affected by someone else’s negligence get compensated for their losses.

Cyclists share roads with two groups: motorists and pedestrians. In this article, we will discuss the danger each group presents and the importance of creating awareness to ensure cyclists’ safety.

The Dangers Posed By Motorists

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, mortality data shows that out of 1,360 cycling deaths, 928 were a result of motor vehicle crashes. Motorists pose a higher risk to cyclists due to the speed, size, and weight of vehicles.

A collision between a bicycle not wearing protective gear and a car can lead to serious injuries. Even a minor impact can cause the cyclist to lose balance and crash. Here are some causes of motorist and cyclist accidents.

Lack of Awareness

Drives may fail to notice cyclists when turning, changing lanes, or merging on the road. This can be very dangerous when drivers make sudden moves and end up cutting cyclists, forcing them into unsafe areas.


Another risk from lack of awareness is the possibility of dooring incidents. This is when a car door opens unexpectedly on a cyclist’s path, which can lead to severe injuries.

Aggressive Behaviors

Some drivers engage in aggressive behaviors such as passing close to cyclists and honking. This can cause cyclists to lose concentration and balance. Aggressive driving endangers cyclists but also shows the need for people to adopt safe driving practices.

The Risks Created By Pedestrians

Pedestrians are considered vulnerable road users. However, some of their actions pose dangers to cyclists. Below are some dangers created by pedestrians for cyclists:

Unpredictable Crossing

This is a top risk associated with pedestrians. Statistics from pedestrian deaths show that most people were killed because of jaywalking. Unfortunately, younger people between 18 and 24 are notorious for this behavior.

When pedestrians jaywalk or cross streets in undesignated areas, they create sudden obstacles for cyclists, who may have minimal time to react.

Additionally, in shared spaces between cyclists and pedestrians, it is common to see pedestrians walk unpredictably. They can veer into cyclists’ paths without any warning. Cyclists are forced to swerve or brake suddenly, which increases the risk of accidents.

Lack of Situational Awareness

Pedestrian lack of situational awareness increases the chances of collision between them and cyclists. This issue is increasing with most pedestrians wearing headphones and texting, making them less aware of their surroundings and unable to hear approaching bicycles.

Pedestrians need to be alert to create a safe environment for everyone, especially those on bikes.

Shared Responsibility and Awareness

Creating a safe environment for cyclists, pedestrians, and motorists requires a sense of shared responsibility. Motorists can protect cyclists by avoiding aggressive behaviors and keeping a good distance, including safe passing.


Pedestrians, on the other hand, can stay alert, especially on shared pathways, and refrain from sudden movements.

Respect among all road users is essential to maintaining a safe road. Simple acts like checking blindspots and looking at both sides before crossing and giving way can create a big difference. Additionally, cyclists should wear protective gear at all times. This will reduce impact in case of collisions. Also, have reflective clothing to make it easy for motorists to spot you.

Improved infrastructure, clear signs of bicycle paths, and public education initiatives can create awareness and respect among road users, reducing the risks of accidents.


Cyclists face dangers from both motorists and pedestrians. By becoming more aware of cyclists, these risks can be significantly reduced. With greater awareness, the streets become safer and accommodate all road users.